Francis Ford Coppola’s mafia masterpiece stars Marlon Brando in an Oscar-winning performance as the aging patriarch of an organised crime...
Francis Ford Coppola’s mafia masterpiece stars Marlon Brando in an Oscar-winning performance as the aging patriarch of an organised crime dynasty handing control of the empire to his reluctant son, Michael Corleone (Al Pacino). When a rival gang wants to impede on the Corleone’s territory, family duties will shape Michael into the leader that is demanded of him. Co-stars James Caan, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Sterling Hayden and Richard S. Castellano. In addition to Brando's Oscar for Best Actor, The Godfather's other big wins at the 1973 Academy Awards included Best Picture and Best Screenplay.
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The Godfather | Details
- Award winner
- Best Picture, Best Actor (Brando), Best Screenplay; Academy Awards 1973. Best Picture (Drama), Director, Actor (Brando), Original Score and Screeplay at the Golden Globes 1973.
- Runtime
- 175
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin