Documentary exploring the curious goings-on when a Berlin doctor and his mistress dropped out of society and resettled in the...
Documentary exploring the curious goings-on when a Berlin doctor and his mistress dropped out of society and resettled in the Galapagos Islands in the 1930s. Followed by others, soon an experimental, free-love society flourished – until some of the new arrivals disappeared and allegations of murder began to swirl in the air. Filmmakers Dayna Goldfine and Dan Geller (Ballets Russes) delve into what took place by assembling archival footage, modern testimony, and utilising voice talent including Cate Blanchett, Diane Kruger and Connie Nielsen.
The Galapagos Affair: Satan Came to Eden | Details
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin