Australian drama based on the novel by Nobel Prize winner Patrick White. Starring Charlotte Rampling (Melancholia), Geoffrey Rush (The King's...
Australian drama based on the novel by Nobel Prize winner Patrick White. Starring Charlotte Rampling (Melancholia), Geoffrey Rush (The King's Speech) and Judy Davis (Barton Fink).
"In the Sydney suburb of Centennial Park, two nurses, a housekeeper and a solicitor attend to Elizabeth Hunter (Rampling) as her expatriate son (Rush) and daughter (Davis) convene at her deathbed. But in dying, as in living, Mrs Hunter remains a powerful force on those who surround her." (Official Synopsis)
The Eye of the Storm | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Critics Award for Best Australian Feature, 2011 Melbourne International Film Festival.
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia