Satirical comedy legend Chris Morris (Four Lions, TV's Brass Eye and Nathan Barley) takes aim at farcical law enforcement sting...
Satirical comedy legend Chris Morris (Four Lions, TV's Brass Eye and Nathan Barley) takes aim at farcical law enforcement sting operations, as an unorthodox preacher (Marchánt Davis) is unwittingly egged on to commit serious crimes by the FBI. Anna Kendrick, Danielle Brooks, Denis O'Hare and Jim Gaffigan co-star.
"‘Based on a hundred true stories’ reads the opening title card to Chris Morris’ latest political satire, his first film since the riotous Four Lions (NZIFF10). Moses (impressive newcomer Marchánt Davis) is an impoverished preacher who heads the Star of Six, a congregation of six including his wife and child. However, the peaceful sect’s belief system and Moses’ prayers are unorthodox enough – he believes that both God and Satan communicate with him through a duck and that the CIA can summon dinosaurs with an air horn – to attract the attention of Kendra (Anna Kendrick), an FBI agent keen to impress her boss. The film’s scathing vision of the war on terror lands plenty of big laughs as dysfunctional FBI agents try to tempt Moses while he finds new and weird ways of not biting." (NZ International Film Festival)
Where to watch The Day Shall Come
The Day Shall Come | Details
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin