Hand-drawn animated fable from France. A nameless, semi-feral wild child has been raised by his cruel father Pumpkin (voiced by...
Hand-drawn animated fable from France. A nameless, semi-feral wild child has been raised by his cruel father Pumpkin (voiced by Jean Reno) deep in the forest. Despite living in fear of the mysterious world beyond the trees, the boy ventures out into civilisation after his dad is badly injured in a fall.
He comes upon a village - the one Pumpkin had fled many years before after the death of his wife. There he encounters a kindly doctor (Claude Chabrol) and forms a friendship with his beautiful young daughter (Isabelle Carré) who sees beyond the boy's rough exterior.
The Day of the Crows | Details
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- France