Harrison Ford stars in this live-action and CGI-animated remake (of the 1935 adventure film based on Jack London's classic novel)...
Harrison Ford stars in this live-action and CGI-animated remake (of the 1935 adventure film based on Jack London's classic novel) about a sled dog struggling to survive in the Alaskan wilderness. This is director Chris Sanders's fourth film, with the previous three each receiving Oscar nominations for Best Animated Feature.
Buck is a domesticated dog who is uprooted from his comfortable California home and transplanted to the Alaskan Yukon during the Gold Rush of the 1890s. Now part of a mail delivery sled team and on the adventure of a lifetime, he will eventually find his true place in the world.
Where to watch The Call of the Wild (2020)
The Call of the Wild (2020) | Details
- Rating
- PG, Mild violence, threat
- Runtime
- 100
- Genre
- Adventure
- Country of origin