A young pig keeper and his friends must destroy an ancient magical cauldron before the Horned King (John Hurt) uses...
A young pig keeper and his friends must destroy an ancient magical cauldron before the Horned King (John Hurt) uses it to conquer the world.
In the mythical land of Prydain during the Dark Ages, lowly pig herder Taran (Grant Bardsley) dreams of becoming a knight. He receives his heroic calling when the evil Horned King kidnaps Hen-Wren, a prophesying pig that had been entrusted to Taran. With help from his furry sidekick Gurgi (John Byner) and Princess Eilonwy (Susan Sheridan), Taran must locate the magical black cauldron before the Horned King is able to use its powers to summon an army of undead.
The Black Cauldron is the 25th entry in the Walt Disney Animated Classics and was the first in the series to utilise CGI.
Where to watch The Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron | Details
- Runtime
- 80
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin