Festival circuit hit documentary that follows filmmaker John Chester, his wife and their dog as they chase their dream to...
Festival circuit hit documentary that follows filmmaker John Chester, his wife and their dog as they chase their dream to set up a sustainable farm - with zero experience.
"It all started with rescue dog, Todd. He just didn’t like living downtown, so cameraman John and caterer Molly decided to up sticks and move to a rundown homestead an hour outside the city. Their aim was to farm in harmony with nature – but the snails, coyotes and bugs etc., had other ideas. Restoring the soil, fighting off infestations, nursing pregnant pigs, coping with fire and drought – it’s all in a day’s work for the determined couple. By year eight, the natural world is rebounding – barn owls, bobcats, gopher snakes and more – and Apricot Lane Farm is alive with infinite possibilities." (Sydney Film Festival)