Steven Spielberg and the late screenwriter of E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial adapt Roald Dahl's 1982 novel. Follows Sophie (newcomer Ruby Barnhill), the Queen...
Steven Spielberg and the late screenwriter of E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial adapt Roald Dahl's 1982 novel. Follows Sophie (newcomer Ruby Barnhill), the Queen of England (Penelope Wilton) and The BFG (Mark Rylance) on an adventure to capture the evil, man-eating giants who have invaded the human world. The cast of giants includes Bill Hader and Jemaine Clement.
Where to watch The BFG
The BFG | Details
- Rating
- PG, mild threat
- Runtime
- 118
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin