The Apartment

125 mins
Poster for The Apartment

Legend Billy Wilder directs this romantic comedy about insurance statistician C.C. "Bud" Baxter (Lemmon). Bud makes his Manhattan apartment available... More

Where to watch The Apartment

The Apartment is now playing in 5 cinemas in the... More United Kingdom. The Apartment is available to stream in the United Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and Now and YouTube and Chili.

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The Apartment | Details

Award winner
Winner of 5 Academy Awards 1961, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay. Winner of Best Musical/Comedy, Best Actor (Lemmon), Best Actress (MacLaine) at the Golden Globes 1961. Volpi Cup winner (Best Performance) for Shirley MacLaine, Venice Film Festival 1960. Best Film, BAFTA Awards 1961.
Comedy, Romance
Country of origin

The Apartment | Trailers