The three US soldiers who thwarted a terrorist plot aboard a Paris-bound train in 2015 play themselves in this Clint...
The three US soldiers who thwarted a terrorist plot aboard a Paris-bound train in 2015 play themselves in this Clint Eastwood thriller.
The film follows the course of the friends’ lives, from childhood struggles through to finding their footing in life, to the series of unlikely events leading up to the attack. Throughout the harrowing ordeal, their friendship never wavers, making it their greatest weapon and allowing them to save the lives of the more than 500 passengers on board.
Where to watch The 15:17 to Paris
The 15:17 to Paris | Details
- Rating
- 15, strong violence, injury detail
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin