A documentary on a former Miss Wyoming who is charged with abducting and imprisoning a young Mormon Missionary. Directed by...
A documentary on a former Miss Wyoming who is charged with abducting and imprisoning a young Mormon Missionary. Directed by documentary legend Errol Morris (The Fog of War, The Thin Blue Line).
"Joyce McKinney, the subject of Morris’ latest (and most riotous) inquiry into the subjective nature of truth, is a former Miss Wyoming whose exploits launched a thousand tabloid headlines in England during the 70s. Artfully structuring his account so that the telling of it is as much (maybe more) of a joyride as the crazy tale itself, Morris intercuts her version with several others, most vitally the recollections of two fiendishly funny tabloid hacks. As she tells it now, McKinney crossed the Atlantic in 1977 in order to rescue the man she loved from a religious cult. As the police saw it, however, she kidnapped a young Mormon missionary, kept him locked in a cottage in Devon for several days, manacled him to a bed and forcibly violated his vow of celibacy." (NZ International Film Festival 2011)
Where to watch Tabloid
Tabloid | Details
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Comedy, Documentary
- Country of origin