Animated Superman feature (DC's sixteenth original animated movie), based on the Geoff Johns and Gary Frank 2008 comic book storyline...
Animated Superman feature (DC's sixteenth original animated movie), based on the Geoff Johns and Gary Frank 2008 comic book storyline Superman: Brainiac. The force responsible for the destruction of Krypton – Brainiac – descends upon Earth. Brainiac has crossed the universe, collecting cities from interesting planets – Kandor, included – and now the all-knowing, ever-evolving android has his sights fixed on Metropolis. At stake in this test of Superman's power is the fate of Earth, the woman he loves, and his newly-arrived cousin - Supergirl.
Where to watch Superman: Unbound
Superman: Unbound | Details
- Runtime
- 75
- Genre
- Action, Adventure
- Country of origin