The offbeat romantic comedy that introduced the talents of Australian filmmaker Baz Luhrmann. This is the first in Luhrmann's 'Red...
The offbeat romantic comedy that introduced the talents of Australian filmmaker Baz Luhrmann. This is the first in Luhrmann's 'Red Curtain trilogy' - followed by Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge!. The story follows a maverick dancer (Paul Mercurio) who ditches the accepted rules of ballroom dancing to create his own style and choreography - a step which infuriates the dancing establishment.
Adapted from a stageplay conceived by Luhrman while studying at the National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney, Strictly Ballroom was a winner at the Cannes and Toronto film festivals, at the BAFTAs and the Australian Film Institute Awards.
Where to watch Strictly Ballroom
Strictly Ballroom | Details
- Award winner
- Best Foreign Film (Award of the Youth), Cannes Film Festival 1992; Best Costume Design, Original Score and Production Design at BAFTA Awards 1993; People's Choice Award winner at Toronto International Film Festival 1992
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- Australia