A teenage monkey and his pals must save planet Bana from an evil tyrant in this CGI adventure featuring the...
A teenage monkey and his pals must save planet Bana from an evil tyrant in this CGI adventure featuring the voices of Jessica Biel and Patrick Stewart.
Spark (Jace Norman) is a wisecracking teenage monkey who lives on an abandoned planet with his friends Chunk (Rob deLeeuw) and Vix (Biel). Thirteen years ago, power-hungry Zhong (Alan C. Peterson) seized control of their planet Beta, wiping out Spark's family and sending him into hiding. Now, Zhong plans to use the deadly space Kraken to destroy the entire universe, and no one but Spark can stop him.
Where to watch Spark: A Space Tail
Spark: A Space Tail | Details
- Rating
- PG, mild threat, fantasy violence
- Runtime
- 91
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Kids & Family, Science Fiction
- Country of origin