Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl makes his directorial debut with this documentary on legendary California studio Sound City, the recording...
Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl makes his directorial debut with this documentary on legendary California studio Sound City, the recording home for artists such as Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Nirvana, Metallica and Rage Against the Machine.
The film was conceived by Grohl after purchasing the custom-built Neve 8028 recording console from Sound City Studios last year. The board, built in 1972, is considered to be the crown jewel of analog recording equipment, having recorded countless musical legends over the past 40 years. Through interviews with the musicians and producers that created music at Sound City, the film showcases the history of the studio, focuses on the albums recorded there and explores the human element of music in an age of technology.
Sound City | Details
- Genre
- Documentary, Music
- Country of origin