New Zealand documentary on Moko, the astonishingly sociable dolphin who became an icon in the town of Whakatane - earning...
New Zealand documentary on Moko, the astonishingly sociable dolphin who became an icon in the town of Whakatane - earning his share of friends and detractors. Filmmaker Amy Taylor spent six months following the friendly mammal and his impact on the town.
"Foremost amongst Moko’s multifarious and delighted human companions is Kirsty Carrington. Her growing concern that he will fall prey to the same sad fate as earlier lone dolphins brings her into sharp conflict with the Department of Conservation, who discourage human intervention in the affairs of marine mammals. Meanwhile, Moko-mania proves disruptive for fishermen and small tourism operators get into scraps. Local body politicians position themselves around the ensuing conflicts so that Carrington feels her fears for Moko’s welfare have been shunted aside." (New Zealand International Film Festival)
Soul in the Sea | Details
- Runtime
- 64
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- New Zealand