Englishman Alex (Rickman), on-route to Northern Ontario to meet an ex-ladyfriend, picks up 19 year old hitch-hiker Vivienne (Hampshire). Their...
Englishman Alex (Rickman), on-route to Northern Ontario to meet an ex-ladyfriend, picks up 19 year old hitch-hiker Vivienne (Hampshire). Their car is hit by a truck and Vivienne dies instantly. Deeply shocked and stranded, Alex seek out Vivienne’s mother to explain in person the fate of Vivienne. But Linda (Weaver) aint’ no ordinary mum – she’s autistic, albeit a high-functioning one. Alex becomes increasingly involved in Linda’s life, the community, and Linda’s neighbour – sassy Maggie (Moss). Linda in turn becomes attached – as attached as she is emotionally capable of – to Alex and what he can do for her.
Snow Cake | Details
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- UK, Canada