Following an ongoing wave of horror films comes the atmospheric video game adaptation (sigh), Silent Hill. Rose (Mitchell) refuses to...
Following an ongoing wave of horror films comes the atmospheric video game adaptation (sigh), Silent Hill. Rose (Mitchell) refuses to give up hope after her daughter, Sharon (Ferland), is diagnosed with a serious disease and instructed to be permanently institutionalized. To avoid such a fate the two flee in search of a miracle cure.
There’s a car crash, Sharon disappears, and Rose finds herself in the midst of an eerie town, cut off from the world. The sole inhabitants are a bunch of horrid creatures, controlled by the Darkness. As Rose follows a ghostlike image of her daughter, husband Christopher (Bean) uncovers a spooky history about the town.
Silent Hill | Details
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Horror, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, Japan, France