During one afternoon in a Romanian flat, this drama delves into the multitude of elements simmering just beneath the surface...
During one afternoon in a Romanian flat, this drama delves into the multitude of elements simmering just beneath the surface of a family gathering.
"Three days after the terrorist attack on the offices of Parisian weekly Charlie Hebdo and forty days after the death of his father, lary, a doctor in his forties is about to spend the Saturday at a family gathering to commemorate the deceased. But the occasion does not go according to expectations. Forced to confront his fears and his past, to rethink the place he holds within the family, Lary finds himself constrained to tell his version of the truth" (Cannes Film Festival)
Sieranevada | Details
- Runtime
- 173
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Romania, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Republic of Macedonia