Drama, based on actual events, exploring the heartbreak of a father who journeys across Indian in search of his son, believed...
Drama, based on actual events, exploring the heartbreak of a father who journeys across Indian in search of his son, believed to be taken by child-traffickers. Directed by Richie Mehta (I'll Follow You Down).
Mehendra (Rajesh Tailang) is a chain-wallah, eking out a living fixing zippers on the bustling streets of New Delhi. To ease his financial woes, he sends 12-year-old Siddharth to work in a distant factory. When the boy doesn't come home for the Diwali holiday, Mehendra and his wife Suman suspect that he was kidnapped. With few resources and no connections, Mehendra desperately travels to Punjab and Mumbai with the hope that whoever took Siddharth might return him unharmed.
Where to watch Siddharth
Siddharth | Details
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Canada, India