This 1937 movie is the seventh in the ten Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musical comedies, featuring a musical...
This 1937 movie is the seventh in the ten Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musical comedies, featuring a musical score by George Gershwin.
Peter Peters (Astaire) is an American ballet dancer performing for a ballet company in Paris owned by the bumbling Jeffrey Baird (Edward Everett Horton). When he meets tapdancer Linda Keene (Rogers), he falls in love with her. He contrives to meet her, but she's less than impressed. Unknown to them, a plot is launched as a publicity stunt, 'proving' that they're actually married. Peters and Keene, unable to scotch the rumour, decide to actually marry and immediately divorce. But they discover that they prefer being married.
Where to watch Shall We Dance (1937)
Shall We Dance (1937) | Details
- Runtime
- 109
- Genre
- Comedy, Musical, Romance
- Country of origin