Second Act

104 mins
Poster for Second Act

Jennifer Lopez uses her street smarts to land—and nail—her dream job on Madison Avenue in this rom-com from the director... More

Where to watch Second Act

Second Act is available to stream in the United Kingdom... More now on Amazon Video and Netflix and Apple TV Store and Chili.

There is no screening information for this title.

Second Act | Ratings & Reviews

"Second Act is a welcome big screen comeback for Jennifer Lopez, even if the story feels a little familiar."

Flicks, Amanda Jane RobinsonFlicks

"It's got flow, a certain knowing ticky-tackiness about its own contrivances. You know you're watching a connect-the-dots comedy, but the dots sparkle."


"If only the world saw street smarts as equal to book smarts, Maya wishes on her birthday. It's a nice idea, but Second Act doesn't possess smarts in either category."

Time OutTime Out

"This is Jenny from the blah."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"The film even has something to say, at least glancingly, about class prejudice in the real world, although in true Hollywood fashion the message is paradoxical."

The AgeThe Age

"She [Jennifer Lopez] tries gamely, but saddled with one of the worst scripts of the year, this definitely feels closer to her work in Maid in Manhattan than Out of Sight."


"When the contrivances get too much in this 'Working Girl' for millennials, just watch take-charge, live-wire Jenny from the block deliver miles of smiles. Sometimes star power is its own reward."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"This isn't a film that has set out to re-invent the wheel and yet works, by virtue of good screenwriting principles. I was taken by how few of these kinds of films we get these days, and how satisfying they can be when done right."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"The movie is all over the place and there is no attempt to weave it into a coherent whole - which is regrettable as scene for scene it often works."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"The film seems destined to survive all future nuclear winters, enduring as a time capsule of humanity at its most pitiably pedestrian."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

Second Act | Details

12A, Moderate violence, drug and sex references, infrequent strong language
Comedy, Romance
Country of origin