The crew of a West of Ireland trawler fight for their lives against a mysterious creature that's come aboard in...
The crew of a West of Ireland trawler fight for their lives against a mysterious creature that's come aboard in this sci-fi horror that marks Neasa Hardiman's feature directorial debut.
"Siobhán (Hermione Corfield, Rust Creek) is a brilliant young marine biology student, more at home amidst laboratory equipment than people. As a component of her studies, she boards a trawler overseen by a couple (Dougray Scott and Connie Nielsen, Wonder Woman) whose amiable demeanour shields both financial worries and profound grief. Siobhán is not exactly welcomed aboard: her cool, scientific perspective is at odds with that of the salty, superstitious crew of "fishmen," and her red hair is considered bad luck. Not long after setting sail, the old ship's hull is glommed onto by a bizarre, bioluminescent creature of unknown genus." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Where to watch Sea Fever
Sea Fever | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Horror, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Ireland, USA, UK, Sweden, Belgium