Schindler's List

195 mins
Poster for Schindler's List

The Oscar-winning story of a Polish factory owner who witnesses the horror of the holocaust and defies the Nazi war... More

Where to watch Schindler's List

Schindler's List is available to stream in the United Kingdom... More now on Apple TV Store and Google TV and BBC iPlayer and Now and YouTube and Sky Go and Microsoft.

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Schindler's List | Ratings & Reviews

"It's a stunning achievement, a film that re-creates the Holocaust not as something abstract, but as felt knowledge."

Boston GlobeBoston Globe

"The film's epic sweep and grasp of detail are exemplary, while some scenes could make even a lump of granite weep."

The TimesThe Times

"With seemingly effortless grace and skill, Schindler's List balances fear and exaltation, humor and horror, love and death."

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune

"Ultimately, the film is memorable as much for simple testimony as for the cinematic art it displays."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Few American movies since the silent era have had anything approaching this picture's narrative boldness, visual audacity, and emotional directness."

The New YorkerThe New Yorker

"More than any previous non-documentary Holocaust movie, this one convinces through the accumulation of such detail."

Seattle TimesSeattle Times

"It's a noble achievement, and essential viewing."

Time OutTime Out

"An indelible picture of the Holocaust."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"This often-stunning work puts the Holocaust into bracing perspective."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"Evinces an artistic rigor and unsentimental intelligence unlike anything the world's most successful filmmaker has demonstrated before."


"But the film Schindler's List, directed with fury and immediacy by a profoundly surprising Steven Spielberg, presents the subject as if discovering it anew"

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Schindler's List, despite blatant compromises, is a rending historical document. But the film's near-certain victory is based less on merit than on the marketing of its ambitious intentions. The academy doesn't judge movies, it weighs them by subject matter. On that basis, Spielberg's epic tips the scales."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"What is most amazing about this film is how completely Spielberg serves his story. The movie is brilliantly acted, written, directed and seen. Individual scenes are masterpieces of art direction, cinematography, special effects, crowd control."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"Overall this film is truly a triumph, its greatness being revealed in its tiny moments - the close-up of a swastika badge that introduces Neeson or the bungled defiance of Fiennes at his hanging."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Schindler's List | Details

Award winner
Winner of 7 Academy Awards including Best Film, Director and Cinematography, 1994. Best Film (Drama), Golden Globes 1994. Best Film, BAFTA Awards 1994.
15, strong violence, threat, language
Drama, True Story & Biography, War
Country of origin

Schindler's List | Trailers