Comedy-drama based on the true story surrounding music promoter David McLean's stream of ambitious gigs in 1980s, which included Simple...
Comedy-drama based on the true story surrounding music promoter David McLean's stream of ambitious gigs in 1980s, which included Simple Minds, XTC, Ultravox, The Skids and Iron Maiden.
Davie (Conor Berry) is a dreamer from the council schemes, constantly hustling for his next buck, then losing it on the horses. After a football injury, he falls for trainee nurse Shona (Tara Lee) and tries to impress her by running a disco. Along with friends John and Scot, the trio start promoting bands – culminating in a hugely ambitious Iron Maiden gig at the Caird Hall, Dundee. With ambition so grand they go deep in debt with Fergie, a gangster of legendary violence, Davie needs to use every trick to pull off the biggest scheme of his life.
Where to watch Schemers
Schemers | Details
- Rating
- 15, Strong language, drug misuse
- Runtime
- 91
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- UK