Spanning 1946 to 1972, this is the disturbing true story of Barbara Daly (Julianne Moore), who married above her class...
Spanning 1946 to 1972, this is the disturbing true story of Barbara Daly (Julianne Moore), who married above her class to Brooks Baekeland (Stephen Dillane), the dashing heir to the Bakelite plastics fortune. Beautiful, red-headed and charismatic, Barbara is still no match for her well-bred husband. The couple's only child, Tony (Eddie Redmayne), is a failure in his father's eyes. As he matures and becomes incestuously close to his lonely mother, the seeds for a tragedy of ‘spectacular decadence’ are sown. Their tragic fall takes place against the backdrop of New York, Paris, Cadaques, Mallorca and London.
Where to watch Savage Grace
Savage Grace | Details
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- USA, Spain, France