An action-thriller, executive produced by James Cameron (Avatar), following an underwater cave diving team on an expedition to the least...
An action-thriller, executive produced by James Cameron (Avatar), following an underwater cave diving team on an expedition to the least accessible cave system on Earth. When a tropical storm forces the divers deep into the caverns, they fight raging water, deadly terrain and creeping panic as they search for an unknown escape route to the sea.
Master diver Frank McGuire (Richard Roxburgh) has explored the South Pacific's Esa-ala Caves for months. But when his exit is cut off in a flash flood, Frank's team, including 17-year-old son Josh and financier Carl Hurley (Ioan Gruffudd), are forced to radically alter plans. With dwindling supplies, the crew navigate an underwater labyrinth to make it out.
Where to watch Sanctum
Sanctum | Details
- Runtime
- 108
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- USA, Australia