French drama from acclaimed filmmaker Jacques Audiard (A Prophet), winner of Best Film at the London Film Festival and nominated for...
French drama from acclaimed filmmaker Jacques Audiard (A Prophet), winner of Best Film at the London Film Festival and nominated for the Palme d'Or at Cannes 2012. Follows the relationship between a sea park orca trainer (Marion Cotillard), injured when a performance goes seriously awry, and a troubled single father (Matthias Schoenaerts) with a talent for street fighting - and bedding women.
Homeless, penniless and friendless, Ali (Schoenaerts) finds himself left in charge of his young son. He takes refuge in Antibes, France, with his sister Anna. There he meets Stephanie (Cotillard) who trains orca whales at a marine park. When a performance ends in a tragedy that leaves her physically and mentally shattered, Ali becomes an unlikely friend and lover, even as he goes about his own self-absorbed life.