Nostalgia-hugging coming-of-age comedy set in the American summer of 1985 about a shy 13-year-old named Rad Miracle. During an annual...
Nostalgia-hugging coming-of-age comedy set in the American summer of 1985 about a shy 13-year-old named Rad Miracle. During an annual family beach getaway, Rad makes a friend who shares his love for hip hop and ping pong, experiences his first crush and runs into the local bullies who challenge his pong skills. With the help of his elusive next-door neighbour (Susan Sarandon), Rad looks to overcome his timid and awkward struggles…
"Ping Pong Summer is about that time in your life when you're treated like an alien by everyone around you, even though you know—deep down—you're as funky fresh as it gets. Writer/director Michael Tully creates the ultimate love letter to the 1980s coming-of-age comedy with this vivid cinematic time capsule... a high five to the 13-year-old inside all of us who is hoping to come out on top." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch Ping Pong Summer
Ping Pong Summer | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin