Piano to Zanskar is a documentary following Desmond O'Keeffe, also known as Mr. Gentle, a 65-year old piano tuner who...
Piano to Zanskar is a documentary following Desmond O'Keeffe, also known as Mr. Gentle, a 65-year old piano tuner who embarks on a seemingly impossible mission. Facing retirement, Desmond decides to first take on the most challenging and perilous delivery of his 40-year career: transporting a 100-year-old, 80 kg upright piano from London to the Himalayas. At 14,000 feet above sea level, Desmond’s destination is one of the most isolated settlements in the world.
Where to watch Piano to Zanskar
Piano to Zanskar | Details
- Rating
- 12A, infrequent strong language
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- UK