
Poster for Pearl

Writer-director Ti West's prequel to slasher film X (developed with star Mia Goth), following a young Pearl in WW1-era America.... More

Where to watch Pearl

Pearl is available to stream in the United Kingdom now... More on Amazon Video and Netflix and Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube and Microsoft.

There is no screening information for this title.

Pearl | Ratings & Reviews

"(A) gorgeous Technicolor nightmare."

Bloody DisgustingBloody Disgusting

"Perhaps I shouldn’t have enjoyed Pearl as much as I did: but it’s clever, limber, gruesome and brutally well acted. A gem."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"As West and Goth attempt to reverse-engineer a psycho killer’s bloody backstory, they diminish both X and Pearl in the process."


"Pearl does hold up on its own, a fun-house-mirror Imitation of Life..."


"One of the year's best films, horror or otherwise."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"It isn’t remotely scary."


"Those who found something to like in the strangely sex-negative X might get something out of this. Or you could just watch an actually good film about ambition and obsession..."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"Mia Goth delivers her best performance yet."

Slash FilmSlash Film

"Goth makes the most of a croaking, lengthy one-take monologue, during which a new horror monster is born."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"It’s... a bit thin and undercooked, but Goth’s performance transcends its limits."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Goth delivers an electrifying and truly scary performance."

Chicago Sun-TimesChicago Sun-Times

"A prequel that should have been left on the shelf."


"(Pearl) stands on its own unsettlingly odd merits."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"An empty exercise in style masquerading as a character study..."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"Pearl is no gem, despite (a) sterling performance by Mia Goth."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"A fever dream of choreographed dancing, decapitations and Mia Goth carrying the weight of all 100+ minutes."


"It has the ability to reach new heights of self-reflexive pleasure but settles instead for pastiche..."

The Globe and MailThe Globe and Mail

"Pearl gets a little too close to letting you simply laugh at her. We know she wouldn’t like that."

"If Douglas Sirk made a slasher flick, it would be Pearl."


Pearl | Details

Award winner
People's Choice Award winner (Midnight Madness, First Runner Up) at Toronto International Film Festival 2022.
15, strong violence, gore, threat, sex, domestic abuse
Country of origin

Pearl | Trailers