"In this German comedy-drama, Irene and Dieter have fled '60s East Berlin with their three children for a better life...
"In this German comedy-drama, Irene and Dieter have fled '60s East Berlin with their three children for a better life in the West. Irene can’t shake the Eastern Bloc mindset: craving conformity and living in constant dread of catastrophe, in general, and a Russian military invasion, in particular. As seen by her two matter-of-fact little girls she’s a lovely, mesmerizing bundle of nerves – and something of a responsibility. Dad Dieter meanwhile is crazy for the swinging Western ways. Observing the growing rift, their two little girls plan the divorce – another novel freedom – they believe will make everyone happier." (Source: World Cinema Showcase).
Peaceful Times | Details
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Germany