Vincent Cassel (Black Swan) leads this dramatic Australian thriller as Gregori, a father training his young, naïve, curious son Alexander...
Vincent Cassel (Black Swan) leads this dramatic Australian thriller as Gregori, a father training his young, naïve, curious son Alexander to be an assassin. But as Alexander grows, he begins to stray away from Gregori’s ideals and starts seeing the world through his own eyes
"In his feature debut, Ariel Kleiman (a 2011 Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize winner for his short film Deeper Than Yesterday) crisply constructs a fascinating hidden world, then casts innocuous moments, such as a karaoke party or a child playing with a paintball gun, in increasingly sinister light." (Sundance Film Festival)
Partisan | Details
- Award winner
- World Cinema Cinematography Award at Sundance FIlm Festival 2015
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin
- Australia