Stop-motion animated zombie comedy from the makers of Coraline about a spooky, misunderstood boy called on to save his small town from...
Stop-motion animated zombie comedy from the makers of Coraline about a spooky, misunderstood boy called on to save his small town from the undead, a centuries-old curse and - worst of all - moronic grown-ups. "Ghoul whisperer" Norman is voiced by Kodi Smit-McPhee (Let Me In). The voice cast also includes John Goodman, Leslie Mann, Anna Kendrick, Casey Affleck and Jeff Garlin.
Norman's a boy with a special ability that allows him to communicate with the dead, but neither his family nor other kids believe him, making him somewhat of an outcast in the town of Blithe Hollow. When a witch's curse raises a legion of zombies, however, Norman turns out to be the boy for the job of stopping them - thanks to the advice of a recently-deceased uncle.
Where to watch ParaNorman
ParaNorman | Details
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin