Japanese drama follows a trio of sisters - Sachi, Yoshino, and Chika - who take in a fourth, Suzu, the daughter...
Japanese drama follows a trio of sisters - Sachi, Yoshino, and Chika - who take in a fourth, Suzu, the daughter from their father's second marriage. From the director of Like Father, Like Son.
"Three sisters - Sachi, Yoshino and Chika - live together in a large house in the city of Kamakura. When their father - absent from the family home for the last 15 years - dies, they travel to the countryside for his funeral, and meet their shy teenage half-sister. Bonding quickly with the orphaned Suzu, they invite her to live with them. Suzu eagerly agrees, and a new life of joyful discovery begins for the four siblings..." (Cannes Film Festival)
Where to watch Our Little Sister
Our Little Sister | Details
- Runtime
- 127
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Japan