Faux-doco conspiracy thriller, partly filmed at NASA after fooling the powers-that-be about the film's intentions. In the midst of the...
Faux-doco conspiracy thriller, partly filmed at NASA after fooling the powers-that-be about the film's intentions. In the midst of the Cold War, two young CIA agents infiltrate NASA to find a mole, but find themselves at ground zero of one of the 20th Century's biggest lies. Forget spies - is there a cover-up about the moon landings? And what won't the White House do to keep it secret?
"This is the story that has been cut together from the footage the Operation Avalanche team shot when they recently infiltrated NASA by saying they were shooting a documentary about the Apollo program in the 1960s. By slipping actors into real scenarios and crafting fiction from the results, director Matt Johnson offers possible new contexts to reframe our realities. This blending of fact and fiction is one that Johnson is becoming known for, and it's a unique and audacious approach." (Hot Docs Festival)
Where to watch Operation Avalanche
Operation Avalanche | Details
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin