Two men square off over control of a motorcycle gang in this violent Australian crime drama from first-time director Stephen...
Two men square off over control of a motorcycle gang in this violent Australian crime drama from first-time director Stephen McCallum.
"While Knuck (screenwriter Matt Nable, known in North America for his role on the series Arrow) has been in prison, his surrogate son, Mark, nicknamed "Paddo" (Ryan Corr, Hacksaw Ridge) has minded the store. Paddo has modernized the activities of the club, expanded their enterprise, and brought in new members — all endeavours that threaten Knuck's position on his return. Both men are supported and influenced by their equally strong wives, each woman as rabidly ambitious for her husband as for herself. Tensions mount when Paddo's younger brother, Skink (Josh McConville, The Infinite Man), creates a problem for the club, and Paddo must choose between familial devotion or loyalty to Knuck and the club he heads." (Toronto International Film Festival)
One Percent (1%) | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Country of origin
- Australia