George Clooney returns alongside Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Shaobo Qin, the late Bernie Mac, and director...
George Clooney returns alongside Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Shaobo Qin, the late Bernie Mac, and director Steven Soderbergh for this sequel to the 2001 heist comedy. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Eddie Izzard and Vincent Cassel join the series.
Thinking they out-smarted their former target Terry Benedict (Garcia), the wealthy casino operator forces Danny Ocean (Clooney) to get the band back together - as well as his old flame (Roberts) - to pay back the $160 million they stole from him. The plan? A trio of heists that will take them to Rome, Paris and Amsterdam. But an already ambitious plan becomes further complicated when Europol operative Isabel Lahiri (Zeta-Jones) catches wind of what they're attempting.
Where to watch Ocean's Twelve
Ocean's Twelve | Details
- Runtime
- 125
- Genre
- Comedy