A personal, restrospective documentary on music legend Neil Young as he travels to the final performance of his 2011 world...
A personal, restrospective documentary on music legend Neil Young as he travels to the final performance of his 2011 world tour. From Oscar-winning director Jonathan Demme (Silence of the Lambs), his third Young film after 2006's Heart of Gold and 2009's Trunk Show.
In May 2011, Neil Young drove a 1956 Crown Victoria from his hometown of Omemee, Ontario to downtown Toronto’s iconic Massey Hall where he performed the last two nights of his solo world tour. On the way, Young recounted introspective tales from his childhood to Demme. Demme, a long-time fan and collaborator, weaves the footage with Young's songs from the 2010 album Le Noise as well as classics including Ohio, Hey Hey, My My, and I Believe in You.
Where to watch Neil Young Journeys
Neil Young Journeys | Details
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Documentary, Music
- Country of origin