Nam June Paik, known for his early, innovative use of technology in art, is the subject of this Sundance-selected documentary...
Nam June Paik, known for his early, innovative use of technology in art, is the subject of this Sundance-selected documentary that explores his uncanny predictions of the pitfalls and benefits of an integrated digital world. Narrated by Steven Yeun (Minari).
'While covering the artist’s peripapetic journey across the mid-century avant-garde in Europe and the United States, Kim pays special attention to Paik’s Korean-American identity and his life as an artist at the forefront of an emergent art form... this enchanting documentary portrait—featuring readings of Paik’s writings by actor Steven Yeun—offers insight into one of the most influential artists of our time, whose outlook on human behavior and technology resonates ever more powerfully in today’s interconnected world.' (
Where to watch Nam June Paik: Moon Is The Oldest TV
Nam June Paik: Moon Is The Oldest TV | Details
- Rating
- 12,
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin