Family adventure from the godfather of Japanese animation Hayao Miyazaki, following two young girls who befriend an enormous cat-bear creature...
Family adventure from the godfather of Japanese animation Hayao Miyazaki, following two young girls who befriend an enormous cat-bear creature sleeping in a nearby forest.
With their ill mother in hospital, 10-year-old Satsuki (Dakota) and her younger sister Mei (Elle) live with their father in their new rural home. One day, Mei notices an odd little creature retreating into the woods. When she gives chase, she eventually stumbles upon a massive harmless beast, which she names Totoro. Eventually convincing her sister of the adorable creature’s existence, they explore the world with magical wonder via a flying cat bus.
Sisters Dakota and Elle Fanning provide the English voiceover for the two respective siblings.
Where to watch My Neighbour Totoro
My Neighbour Totoro | Details
- Rating
- U, Contains infrequent mild scary scenes
- Runtime
- 86
- Genre
- Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Japan