Turkey-set drama about five young sisters accused of perverted behaviour, and subjected to a regime of punishment to correct their...
Turkey-set drama about five young sisters accused of perverted behaviour, and subjected to a regime of punishment to correct their immoral inclinations. Cut off from popular culture, yet offered no direct advice about sex from their elders, they're imprisoned both morally and literally - though not without their own ways of skirting the prohibited.
"Early summer. In a village in northern Turkey, Lale and her four sisters are walking home from school, playing innocently with some boys. The immorality of their play sets off a scandal that has unexpected consequences. The family home is progressively transformed into a prison ; instruction in homemaking replaces school and marriages start being arranged. The five sisters who share a common passion for freedom, find ways of getting around the constraints imposed on them." (Cannes Film Festival)
Where to watch Mustang (2015)
Mustang (2015) | Details
- Award winner
- Label Europa Cinemas winner, Cannes Film Festival 2015
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France, Germany, Turkey, Qatar