Adam Sandler is Longfellow Deeds, a humble small-town pizzeria owner who inherits $40 billion from his deceased uncle and quickly...
Adam Sandler is Longfellow Deeds, a humble small-town pizzeria owner who inherits $40 billion from his deceased uncle and quickly finds himself rolling in a different kind of dough. Moving to his uncle's mansion in the city, Deeds is besieged by opportunists all gunning for their piece of the pie. This includes Babe (Winona Ryder), a tabloid reporter posing as an innocent small-town girl to get the scoop. Also stars a "very sneaky" John Turturro as Deeds' butler. Loosely based on the 1936 Frank Capra screwball classic, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town.
Where to watch Mr. Deeds
Mr. Deeds | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin