A psychological thriller, with a complex heroine at its centre, about an undocumented New York immigrant. SXSW Grand Jury Prize...
A psychological thriller, with a complex heroine at its centre, about an undocumented New York immigrant. SXSW Grand Jury Prize winner.
"Luciana (Ana Asensio, who also writes and directs) is having a terrible day. An undocumented immigrant in New York, she is short on cash and forced to work degrading jobs to get by. Her mornings are spent in a short skirt and chicken costume handing out flyers and her afternoons babysitting outrageously bratty kids. Out of the blue comes an offer of a large sum of money: all she has to do is frock up in a sexy black dress and attend a party where she won't be forced to do anything she doesn't want to. Asensio meticulously controls the tension, as Luciana gets involved in a perverse and potentially deadly game." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Most Beautiful Island
Most Beautiful Island | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Grand Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature, 2017 SXSW Film Festival
- Runtime
- 80
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller
- Country of origin