Wes Anderson (Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Royal Tenenbaums) comedy set in the summer of ’65 where a small community is mobilised...
Wes Anderson (Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Royal Tenenbaums) comedy set in the summer of ’65 where a small community is mobilised in search of two runaway 12-year-old lovebirds. The all-star cast includes Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray.
A quiet community resides on an island off the coast of New England. After falling in love, former Khaki Scout and orphan Sam (Jared Gilman) runs away with forlorn Suzy (Kara Hayward) into the island's wilderness. With the local sheriff (Willis), the girl’s parents (Murray and Frances McDormand), Social Services (Tilda Swinton) and a Khaki Scout troop leader (Norton) all trying to stabilise the situation, the search threatens to become a disaster when a violent storm brews off-shore.