Disney/Pixar’s 2001 monstrous hit, following the exploits of pals Sully (voiced by John Goodman), a loveable big blue behemoth, and...
Disney/Pixar’s 2001 monstrous hit, following the exploits of pals Sully (voiced by John Goodman), a loveable big blue behemoth, and Mike (Billy Crystal), a short wisecracking cyclops. Together, they are an extremely competent duo, safely extracting scares from contaminated human children - the screams are then used as an energy source to power the city of Monstropolis. However, when a curious 2-year-old nicknamed Boo stumbles into the monster's world, Sully and Mike must rush her back home before their boss Mr. Waternoose (James Coburn) or rival scarer Randell (Steve Buscemi) find out.
Where to watch Monsters, Inc.
Monsters, Inc. | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin