A horror remake of the 2003 South Korean murder mystery Into the Mirror, Mirrors is the second horror adaptation by...
A horror remake of the 2003 South Korean murder mystery Into the Mirror, Mirrors is the second horror adaptation by French director Alexandre Aja who also helmed the recent The Hills Have Eyes update.
This stars Kiefer Sutherland as Ben Carson, an ex-cop now working as a night watch man at a department store. The store was almost burnt to the ground recently and the mirrors within seem to harbour ghastly spirits. His family are drawn into the danger, raising the stakes and requiring Ben to put a stop to the sinister goings on.
This stars Kiefer Sutherland as Ben Carson, an ex-cop now working as a night watch man at a department store. The store was almost burnt to the ground recently and the mirrors within seem to harbour ghastly spirits. His family are drawn into the danger, raising the stakes and requiring Ben to put a stop to the sinister goings on.
Where to watch Mirrors
Mirrors | Details
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Horror
- Country of origin