John Schlesinger's multi-award winning drama (including Best Film at the 1970 Oscars) set against the cynical end to the swinging...
John Schlesinger's multi-award winning drama (including Best Film at the 1970 Oscars) set against the cynical end to the swinging '60s. Jon Voight is a confused and naive Texan who leaves his small-town and dead-end job for New York City, hoping to live the high life as a male prostitute. Struggling to get into the business, he partners with a hustler, the sickly Ratso Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman).
Where to watch Midnight Cowboy
Midnight Cowboy | Details
- Award winner
- Best Film, Director and Adapted Screenplay at the 1970 Academy Awards; Most Promising Newcomer (Voight) at the Golden Globes 1970; Best Film, Actor (Hoffman), Director, Editing, Newcomer (Voight) and Screenplay at the 1970 BAFTA Awards; OCIC Award at the Berlin Film Festival 1969
- Runtime
- 113
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin