In Italian director Jonas Carpignano's feature debut, Koudous Seihon and Alassane Sy star as two best friends struggling with life...
In Italian director Jonas Carpignano's feature debut, Koudous Seihon and Alassane Sy star as two best friends struggling with life on a new continent after migrating from their native Burkina Faso.
"Ayiva (Seihon) recently left his home in Burkina Faso in search of a way to provide for his sister and his daughter. He takes advantage of his position in an illegal smuggling operation to get himself and his best friend Abas (Sy) off of the continent. Ayiva adapts to life in Italy, but when tensions with the local community rise, things become increasingly dangerous. Determined to make his new situation work he attempts to weather the storm, but it has its costs." (Cannes Film Festival)
Where to watch Mediterranea (2015)
Mediterranea (2015) | Details
- Runtime
- 107
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Italy, France, USA, Germany, Qatar